Dr. Aman Behal

   Home>>Teaching>>EEL 6616

Title: Adaptive Control EEL 6616, All Sections

Schedule: Tu/Th, 4:30P - 5:45P

Location: BA1 O216A

Instructor: Aman Behal

Grader: N/A

Office : Research Pavilion, Room #406, 407-882-2820

Office Hours: Continuous over email, office visit by appointment

Email: abehal@ucf.edu

Textbook 1:  S. Sastry & M. Bodson, Adaptive Control: Stability, Convergence, and Robustness, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1989. Also republished by Dover in 2011, and available at a low price from Amazon and other sellers.           

Textbook 2:  Slotine & Li, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ.           

Assignments and Tests:  Click here

Course Outline: Course Overview, Gradient Based Estimation, Least Squares Estimation, Adaptation based on Tracking Error, Adpatation based on Estimation Error, Composite Adpative Laws, Direct Adaptive Control, Indirect Adaptive Control

Course Objectives: This course is designed to teach parametric system identification and adaptive control. The main goals are to go over design methods for identification and identification-based control and analyze the stability and convergence properties of these.

Homeworks and Tests:

  • Three exams @ 20% each
  • Homeworks @ 40% total

An explanation of the method used to determine the course grade:

  • Letter grading is NOT based on absolute numerical points, it is based on your performance relative to class average.
  • Each graded test and homework will be marked with the letter grade associated with the student's performance on that assignment.

Tentative dates for all tests and other major components of course work:

  • Tests 1 and 2 (2nd week of February, 3rd week of March)
  • Test 3 (See finals schedule)
  • All 3 tests will be take home tests.
  • Homework assignments will be assigned regularly during the semester with due date for each posted on the course webpage and announced in class

Homework collection policy: Homework will be due approximately a week after its assignment. It will be due over email before midnight on the due date. No late submissions allowed unless there is a verifiable emergency or instructor permission has been obtained in advance. Assignments may require use of Matlab.

Academic Dishonesty Policy: Per the UCF Golden Rule, a Z designation may be associated with a student’s grade for any dishonest practices discovered during class and/or take-home testing. If you find anything on the web that you use to answer your test, you are required to cite the source. In the absence of that, it will be considered plagiarism.

Contact information for the course instructor: I have an open door policy. If I am available and there are no urgent deadlines, I will see you. However, you may have to track me down to one of my offices. Best way to reach me is on email, I respond very quickly.