American Association for the Advancement of Science AAAS


The Engineering Section of AAAS is one of 24 disciplinary sections of AAAS. Currently (2021) more than 5,085 AAAS members have chosen Engineering as their primary Section.  Twenty-three Affiliated Organizations of AAAS have chosen to be affiliated with the Engineering Section. The Section Committee holds an annual business during the AAAS Annual Meeting. The meeting is open to all attendees of the Annual Meeting.  All members of the Section are invited to attend the AAAS Annual Meetings and the Engineering Section business meetings.


Activities of the Engineering Section

A major activity of Section M is the development of symposia on engineering topics to be presented at the AAAS Annual Meeting which is typically held in February of every year. This effort is consistent with the view of most engineering members that the Association is an outstanding medium for the creation of an effective bond between science and engineering. The Annual Meeting provides a forum in which engineers have the opportunity to help scientists and the general public (due to the outstanding coverage of the meeting by the media) stay abreast of the latest in technology. Conversely, the meeting gives engineers the opportunity to learn about the latest developments in science, science education and public policy relating to technology and science.

Over the years Section M has sponsored many outstanding symposia at AAAS Annual Meeting. The ideas and proposals for these symposia have come from many section members, but largely from members of the Steering Group (Section officers plus the four elected members-at-large of the Section Committee). The section encourages input from the representatives of the organizations which have elected to affiliate with the Engineering Section. The representatives should be in the best position to determine which new technological developments in their disciplines should be good candidates for a AAAS symposium.

Another important function of the Section is the nomination by the Steering Group of candidates for election to the Grade of Fellow in AAAS (see FELLOWS in AAAS ). Nominations are made following the AAAS Annual Meeting, and elections of nominees by the AAAS Council takes place in October. All Section members are urged to submit suggestions for nominees to any member of the Steering Group (names and addresses listed below). Nominations may also be made by any group of three AAAS Fellows.

Section Committee: 2021-22

The Section Committee consists of the Steering Group (Section Officers and Members-at-Large), two Council Delegates, and the Electorate Nominating Committee.  The Section Steering Group consists of the four officers and the four Members-at-Large of the  Section Committee. The Steering Group Members are elected by Section Members based on nominations from the Section Electorate Nominating Committee.


Section Officers:


At-Large-Members of the Section Committee

Council Delegates

Electorate Nominating Committee


Representatives of Affiliated Organizations


Note:  Terms end on the last day of the Annual Meeting held in the year given in parentheses