The Automated Utility Management(A.U.M.)Device


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The Automated Utility Management Device (a.k.a. A.U.M. Device) is a smart power strip that saves money and energy by cutting down on standby power (or vampire power) and wasteful energy usage by automatically turning off outlets when not in use. It has features such as, standby mode, motion sensing, timed mode, leader-follower, as well as power calculations and a touch screen and android app for easy device control. An internal microcontroller keeps track of power used, environment states and outlet statuses as well as communicating with external devices.

This device is much needed in the modern world where wasting electricity is more common than polar bears. Global warming and peak oil are two huge reasons to be more efficient with our power usage while we transfer into renewable resources for energy generation. Families or anyone who uses multiple electronic devices will benefit by having this in their home.

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