What is the eGuitar?

The eGuitar is an all-encompassing guitar assistant created by Brandon Berk, Will Remington, and Eric Sorokowsky. Whether you are a beginner learning their first chords or an experienced guitarist creating their own songs, the eGuitar system has benefits for all users.

For beginners, they can select whichever song they want to play on their computer, and the eGuitar system will light up the fret board with the proper chords and proper timing. The user can adjust the tempo as well as pause to learn where to place their fingers. For the experienced guitarist, the system will actively record the notes played and can be used to create custom tablature with the press of a button.

The system is comprised of an attachment piece on the top of the neck, which includes lights for the beginner players, and a main control unit that can attach at the body of the guitar. The only applications similar to our project on the market are full guitars with built-in lights. We offer a solution to players who already have their own guitar and just want something that is easily attachable. Ultimately, the guitarist using our system can go from learning the basics to creating their own songs for the world to see.