SMART Water Heater

Water heaters account for nearly 17 percent of a home’s energy use. With the motivation to reduce energy consumption while also giving the user more control we designed our SMART Water Heater system. All functions of the water heater can be controlled via an onboard touch screen or remotely through an android application. SMART Water Heater has the ability to learn usage patterns to predict when hot water will be needed and otherwise avoid unecessarily heating it up.


About US

Mauro Cordoba


Mauro Cordoba is 26 years old and is currently a student of Electrical Engineering as well as working in Circuitronics corp. He plans to continue his career in Engineering while also trying to find time to pursue musical interests.

Bryan Mitchell


Bryan Mitchell is 39 years old Electrical Engineering student. Bryan plans on graduating in Spring 2015. With an interest in troubleshooting and stress testing, Bryan hopes to attain a career in testing and QA.

Vipol S.


Vipol Sophonwatthanawichit is 22 years old Computer Engineering student. He plans to pursue his career in software engineering at Harris corp. after graduating.