• "Group 14, Spring 2016
  • T.U.B.A. The Ultimate Bionic Arm!

Welcome To Group 14 Senior Design Project, Spring 2016

Begun by Albert Manero in the Spring of 2014, Limbitless Solutions began as a small collective of individuals with the ethos that no one should profit from a child in need. Two years later, the nonprofit organization has advanced by leaps and bounds, with four directors overseeing five different teams looking to tackle the world of modern, low-cost 3D bionics. As they rise to meet the ever growing demand and need for their product, they struggle to maintain their product individuality, with each bionics being custom tuned to the interests of each of their clients.

limbitless logo

Given that the majority of the Limbitless leadership find their specializations in the field of mechanical engineering, they rely greatly on the expertise of the Electrical Engineering student body to continue to push the electronics of their product to its next stages of evolution, with varying degrees of success: the problem has been solved, but the solution is crude, lacking elegance, and is prone to failure. Wanting to contribute beyond the normal boundaries of volunteering, this team recommended that their capstone project be dedicated to helping Limbitless Solutions advance their electronics package to a more reproducible and reliable form, as this would allow the production team to focus their efforts in the future on the individualization of their products, rather than troubleshooting electrical problems.

Directed Project

Group 14 was directed by Limbitless Solutions to improve the performance of the battery, servo, code, and response time.  In addition the team was tasked with adding haptic feedback, wireless charging, and adding the hardware for over the air programming.