Multiplex Bionic

About Multiplex Bionic

Mutliplex Bionic is a myoelectric bionic prosthetic limb that aims to tackle the issue of different control mechanisms, grips, and gestures for the user all while minimizing cost of production as much as possible. The Multiplex Bionic limb will feature a number of motors that actuate 3-5 grip patterns based on the user’s input and selection. Along with this additional functionality, the intuitiveness and calibration of the device will be improved.


There are 2 million individuals living with congenital and non-congenital amputations in the United States. Approximately 185,000 amputations occur in the United States each year. Main causes of amputations are vascular disease (54%), trauma (45%), and cancer (less than 2%). In a world that requires functionality, performance, and execution, those who are amputees or born with congenital absences of limbs, carry a heavy burden. Simple tasks transform into strenuous ones and unknown challenges arrive in different places. The solution seems clear: a bionic answer to a human problem. Prosthetic arms have evolved heavily since their initial inception. Technological advances have allowed for electrically powered prosthetics to gain footing in devices that once relied on purely kinematics and mechanical operations. Advanced bionic limb solutions have been on the market for years, but typically range from prices of thousands to tens of thousands of dollars. Cost is simply too much of an issue, and the price for users is too high.

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Limbitless Solutions Inc.

Orlando, Florida