Group 1: Solar Sculpture "High Five"



Sinensis Creative

Group Members:

Matthew Brown

Electrical Engineering

David Godden

Electrical Engineering

Christopher Smith

Electrical Engineering

Jose Treto

Electrical Engineering

Project Summary:

The goal of this project is to bring attractive solar energy into the mind of the consumer, hopefully replacing the preconceived notions that solar panels are obstructive, clunky objects with minimal impact. In our efforts to accomplish this goal, we met with a mechanical team - that made sure that the structure was able to support itself - and a team that focused on the artistic aspects of the structure. Our job, as the electrical engineering team, was to ensure adequate connections were made between the solar panels and the existing electrical grid. Furthermore, we were required to make sure that our design had enough panel space to be able to power the electronics on the sculpture. These electronics form the basis of an interactive system that is designed to encourage cooperation and a sense of togetherness.


This project was conducted on behalf of Orlando Utilities Commission and the Tavistock Group.

Sam Choi

Orlando Utilities Commission

Phone Number:407-434-2681


Justin Kramer

Orlando Utilities Commission


Tavistock Development

Phone Number: 407-888-6500


EEL4914 Initial Document
EEL4914 Final Document
Critical Design Review Presentation
Final Presentation Conference Paper
Final Presentation Slides
EEL4915 Final Document
Pressure Plate MCU Circuit Diagram
Pressure Plate MCU Board Layout
Main MCU Circuit Diagram
Main MCU Board Layout
Presentation to OUC and Tavistock