
Project E.A.S.I or Electronic Assistant for the Seeing Impaired is device that will replace the whitecane. This device is smaller and more discreet than a cane providing tactile and audio feedback in response to ultrasonic sensors that measure the area in front of the user. The devices currently available to the visually impaired community are limited with most developed several decades ago. E.A.S.I is designed to give users more options not by simply enhancing current options but by replacing them with modern day sensors and applications.

The Team

EE Members: Stephen Miles, Patrick Shiver.

CpE Members: Heath Cissell, Hung Tran.


Contact Info

Patrick Shiver: shiverpatrick@knights.ucf.edu Linkedin

Stephen Miles: miles.stephen.ib@gmail.com

Heath Cissell: hjcissell@gmail.com

Hung Tran: hdt1206@gmail.com Linkedin