Description Members Documentation

X-Car Electrical Maintenance Tool (XEM)

The objective of this project is to design and implement a tool for use during maintenance of the Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit roller coaster ride vehicles at Universal Studios Orlando. The ride vehicles interface with a Ride Control System which performs system checks while the vehicle is in the load and unload station. However, these checks do not provide enough information to assist with troubleshooting. With the implementation of the X-Car Electrical Maintenance Tool (XEM), troubleshooting capabilities withh improve and will prevent unnecessart part replacement, saving time and money.

Block Diagram


Alexander Washington is a 28-year old graduating Electrical Engineering student. Alexander presently works at Universal Orlando as an Associate Project Manager. Alex’s interests are electronics, embedded systems, circuit board design, controls engineering, electric vehicles, automation, and mobile applications. Alexander hopes to become a larger role in the development of theme park attractions.

Matthew Hunt is a 23-year old graduating Electrical Engineering student. Matthew plans to pursue a career in the electrical engineering field with an interest in electronics design and automation. Matthew also hopes to continue studying programming languages and methods as well as foreign language.


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Universal Studios Orlando, Alexander Washington