Group 23 Northrop Grumman Reduced Gravity Drone (Blue Team)

Group Members

Project Summary

The objective of this project is to create a low-cost multirotor drone capable of autonomously achieving microgravity conditions. This will enable microgravity researchers to conduct experiments in low gravity for short amounts of time. The benefits of this system compared to existing methods of microgravity experimentation are as follows: experimentation can be conducted on a lower budget, wait time between experiments is reduced or eliminated, and travel to a distant facility to conduct experiments may not be required.


This project was sponsored by Northrop Grumman

EEL4914 Initial Document
EEL4914 Final Document
Critical Design Review Presentation
Final Presentation Conference Paper
Final Presentation Slides
EEL4915 Final Document
Autonomous Program
Drop Test 3
Drop Test 4
Drop Test 6