Project Title: Robocopter Red Team

Team (EE/CE): Pamela Echevarria, Jarryd Salas, Branden Griffin, Joey Velez-Ginorio

Project Description: Autonomous aircraft technology is rapidly advancing as the benefits of such devices become increasingly apparent. This project investigates one such purpose of unmanned aerial vehicles, which is their utilization in combat scenarios. The objective is to develop a low cost, high efficiency autonomous aircraft with systems implemented for avoiding hazardous objects and obstacles, as well as being able to intercept hostile drones. Several hardware and software design choices, ranging from sensor selection to algorithm implementation, are made to realize such an aircraft - the Robocopter.

Senior Design I: Initial Project Description


Senior Design I: 120-Page Report


Senior Design I: CDR


Senior Design II: Conference Paper


Senior Design II: Final Presentation


Senior Design II: Final Report
