Safety Autonomous Following Escort Robot (SAFER)

Whether it be late night studying or visiting a friend, students often travel across campus after dark. For those who feel unsafe walking alone on campus at night, resources like SEPS (Safe Escort Patrol Service) and Knight Ride are there to help make sure you make your way home successfully. Sometimes, these resources are not available or desired. The purpose of the SAFER Knights Project is to provide an alternative to such preestablished precautions on the UCF campus. An autonomous vehicle equipped with various sensors and lights follows students home to provide a feeling of security when walking alone day or night. It will follow the student to wherever they need to go on campus. Features such as: an emergency protocol, lights, and speakers are available in order to provide peace of mind to students. Emergency mode involves the user pressing a button on their phone to enable it, and the robot will start flashing lights and start a siren to alert any nearby passerby


  • Michael Burton, CpE

    App, ATMEGA

  • Jonathan Dillard, CpE


  • Jordan Harty, EE

    Drive Train, Lights

  • Megan White, EE

    PM, Drive Train