Project Description

Translation is the medium for maintaining a meaningful conversation between two individuals who speak different languages. The process of translating through human interpreters, however, proves to be erratic, difficult to arrange, and expensive. The need for a more accurate, responsive, read to use, and low-cost translation system is required for applications in the legal, medical, and education sectors.  Neural machine translation (NMT) provides the next generation of real time translation with minimal errors. NMTs have proven to be useful for their flexible deployment and their ease of use. However, most NMTs only perform the translations for spoken languages and often neglect sign languages such as American Sign Language (ASL). Our proposed real-time translator with ASL interpretation bridges the gap between universal machine translation and physical human translation. This is critical in modern society where the greater population, including those with disabilities, rely on advanced artificial intelligence to enrich their daily lives. The goal of our Assistive Sign Language Bot Translator (ASLBoT) is to provide a user-friendly experience, effective sign language rendering and a high level of accuracy. Ultimately, ASLBoT aims to provide students with hearing disabilities the capability to provide and receive effortless and natural communication within classroom environments.

Meet the Team

Person 1

Gustavo Camero

Computer Engineer

Person 2

Luis Hurtado

Electrical Engineer

Person 3

Michael Loyd

Electrical Engineer

Person 4

Jared Spinks

Computer Engineer

Project Documentation