Group 25

What is the Smart G.P.A?

The SMART G.P.A is a garage parking aid system designed for personal home use. The system measures the distance from the wall to a car in real time, using a laser triangulation system. It has colored light indicators that help the user be able to tell how close the car is in proximity to the garage wall. The system system also includes a display used for configuration, personalization, and tuning.

With all the add-ons and features we added to our garage parking aid, we came up with the name Smart GPA, and we believe that it is different than any at home garage parking aid available to the market today. The SMART G.P.A will make coming home and parking relaxing and as comfortable as can be!

The Team


My name is Jennifer Castillo and I’m studying Electrical Engineering with a focus on Power and Renewable Energy. When I graduate, I plan to study for the FE exam and work as an electrical engineer building consultant in the current firm I intern for now.


My name is Nicholas Zollo and I’m a Photonic Science and Engineering Student at UCF, with side interests in Math and Computer Science. After graduating, I plan to see where life takes me and try a variety of career choices to develop my skills and see which career I truly enjoy.


My name is Daniela Otero and I’m a Computer Engineering Student at UCF, with a side interest in Math. After graduation, I plan on pursuing a masters degree in Industrial Engineering while still working at the company I currently intern for.


My name is Jorge Dardon and I’m a computer engineering student at UCF. I enjoy programming and making software. After graduating, I hope to be working on all sorts of cool projects.

Our Documents

Initial Project Proposal Senior Design 1 Document Critical Design Review Presentation

Conference Paper Final Presentation Final Design Documentation

Final Demo Video Downloadable Final Demo Video Final Presentation Video Downloadable Final Presentation Video