` Mobile LiDAR Scanner
Project Description Documentation Videos Meet the Team

Mobile LiDAR Scanner

Group 2

Project Description

The goal of this project is to create a remote-control car fitted with a LiDAR scanning system on top. With this configuration, we want to be able to drive the remote-controlled or RC car into a room and produce a 3-dimensional model of that room. This idea was suggested because recon in the military can be a dangerous job. To make it easier on our soldiers and to keep them safe, we plan on creating a device that goes into enclosed areas and scans using LiDAR technology. The data from the scans are sent via a wireless connection to a remote user interface. The data is then processed to produce a 3-dimensional model of the area.



Final Demo Video

Final Presentation Video

Updated Final Video After Extension

Team Members

Mateo Cuesta

Mateo Cuesta is currently a senior at the University of Central Florida, graduating with his Bachelor's degree in Optics and Photonics. He will be relocating to Denver, Colorado to begin working in the private sector as an Optical Engineer.

Arturo Martin

Arturo Martin is currently a senior at the University of Central Florida, graduating with his Bachelor's degree in Optics and Photonics. He is currently looking to enter the work force within the private sector as an Optical Engineer.

Troy Morgan

Troy Morgan is currently a senior at the University of Central Florida, graduating with his Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering. He accepted a job offer at Lockheed Martin as a Software Engineering Associate.

Dannah Dolorfino

Dannah Dolorfino is currently a senior at the University of Central Florida, graduating with her Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering. She will be relocating to Boston, Massachusetts to begin working for Rapid7 as a Software Engineer.
