AMDV: Automated Metal Detecting Vehicle

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Welcome To The AMDV Project!

The Automated Metal Detecting Vehicle(AMDV) was accomplished with thorough testing and design implementation. With multiple revisions of the design circuit and numerous versions of the software code, the AMDV team was able to successfully create an automated RC car that could detect metallic objects as small as quarters! The research on this project started in early February 2009 and the final design prototype was completed during the first week of August 2009. The AMDV has the ability to be manual controlled via Bluetooth on a user's computer through a graphical user interface, while having the option of putting the AMDV into ‘auto’ mode which utilizes obstacle detection. Once a metallic object is found, the AMDV will send the user the GPS location of where the object was found and will then continue to search for additional metallic objects. This project is the proud work of two Electrical Engineers and one Computer Engineer, Christopher Bond, Michael Grasso, and Robertson (Bob) Augustine, as part of the Senior Design course at the University of Central Florida (UCF).

Copyright 2009: AMDV: Automated Metal Detecting Vehicle Team
College of Engineering and Computer Science, University of Central Florida