
Project Overview

Imagine that you are running through your neighborhood in the afternoon. The sun is just behind the clouds and the air is crisp and refreshing. With each step you take, you become liberated. You begin to immerse yourself in the experience as the music you listen to takes you over. Each powerful stomp of your foot falls perfectly on beat with the song; you are synchronized. The atmosphere of your run is matched by the sound waves in your headphones; your body waves back to the music. You notice that it is no longer guiding you, somehow you are in control, and you are composing this music with the movement of your body. You are an instrument and the freedom that comes with this experience is your melody.

Music in Motion is a concept for a running device which creates and plays music while the user runs and provides the feedback that will track progress and help one to perform. Essentially, it is a concatenation of a fitness monitor, biofeedback device, and a music player. This device is practical. Various metrics will be sampled, some of which are biological, in order to provide a more complete description of the user’s fitness session than anything that exists on the market today. This device will motivate the user. The collected data is interpreted by a number of algorithms which will quantify each fitness session by notifying the user of distance milestones. This device is entertaining. Simply by running, it will let the user truly listen to his or her body for the first time and it will do so in the form of music. This supplementary feature adds an element of novelty to the device which is both interactive and entertaining. Thus, the biofeedback is presented via two entirely distinct channels: biological data and music.

The intention is to provide detailed and useful feedback to the user in an entertaining manner. This device will use various input variables, such as the runner's stride, running distance, and running speed. We will use these variables to control the creation of the music and also give the user real-time feedback. This real-time feedback will be given in the form of a musical signal for breaking certain milestones that our MIM device monitors and keeps track of.

Video Demonstration


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© Copyright 2014 | Zoilo Boehme, Eric Hoofnagle, Lane Starratt