U-Park Parking System


The U-Park system aims to solve a problem rampant at the University of Central Florida and all across the world: the lack of information about parking garage availability. U-Park uses an array of sensors to monitor all of the spots in a particular garage. Spot occupancy information is then relayed wirelessly to central access points across the parking garage. The information is passed across the Internet to update a database containing the parking availability information of the garage in question. This information can then be viewed in real-time on a web interface, which is optimized for any size of device accessing it. 

The U-Park system reduces the amount of time it will take for users to get to where they need to go on campus by minimizing the amount of time it takes to find a parking spot. Instead of users having to drive around aimlessly in a full garage waiting for someone to leave, wasting gas in the process, users will know exactly where spots are available in a particular garage before they even leave the house.

Team Members

Roddey Smith

Roddey is a Computer Engineering student. He is the team leader for Team 9.  Although he ruled with an iron fist, his followers learned that he was a noble and just leader.  All hail leader Roddy.

Them Le

Them is an electrical engineering student.  She designed the power converter and helped with the design of the PCB.  She has gone by many names; electrical savant, Queen of Electricity, Them, and Elec Woman.  She lent her knowledge to the group and powered our hearts...and also the U-Park system.

Carlos Pereda

What can I say about Carlos that has not already been said?  He is a Computer Engineering student who designed the back end communication of the U-Park System. His hard work and dedication was invaluable to the group.  He was the heart of the group that supplied life blood to all other systems.  Carlos is a gentleman and a scholar.

Danny Russell

Danny Russell is a Computer Engineering student. Opera lover and bow tie connoisseur, Danny designed the front end UI for the U-Park system.  And he definitely didn't have to look up how to spell connoisseur.  His in your face interface allowed users to interact with system so that they would know where to park.