Spring 2020 - Summer 2020

Group 8: PetAid Harness


As a group of caring pet owners with busy and erratic schedules, we decided to focus our interests into a device that could help people like us take better care of our pets. Seeing the difficulty that pets--especially dogs-- can encounter with separation anxiety, congenital illnesses, and ailments that come from aging, we are aware of the constant care some pets may need in order to live a happy and healthy life.

Our goal with the PetAid Harness is to ease the pet owner's state of mind and ensure quick response time by giving the heart rate, body temperature, and step count of the dog, providing information on the dog's well-being to a remote server that can be monitored from anywhere with an internet connection.


Presentation Powerpoint Video

Demonstration Video

Team Members
Edgar Gonzalez
Edgar Gonzalez is a senior in Electrical Engineering at the University of Central Florida and will be receiving his Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering in August 2020. Edgar will pursue a career in electric power distribution after graduation.
Pedro Rocha
Pedro Rocha is a 24-year-old graduating Electrical Engineering student. Pedro's career goals are to work for a utility company in electric power system design. Research and Development is a criteria of concentration that keeps him very focused and interested.
Pascal Bahms
Pascal Bahms is a 23-year-old graduating Electrical Engineering student who plans to pursue an Electrical Engineering PhD at the University of Central Florida. His interests include signal analysis and control theory.
Adam Henderson
Adam Henderson is a 25-year-old graduating Computer Engineering student who is looking to pursue a career in Cybersecurity with L3Harris, working in development of wireless products for first responders.