Optoelectronic Saxophone

The Optoelectronic Saxophone is a MIDI-based electronic instrument with a photonic subsystem that replicates the functionality of a traditional wind-based saxophone. The inception for the project was the fact that practicing an instrument at home can sometimes be loud and annoying to anyone nearby. This project aims to remedy that by offering an alternative that can be connected to personal headphones or any desired speaker, allowing the user to play to an audience of one. The photonic subsystem allows the instrument to have a very short response time when a key is pressed, bringing the experience of playing as close to a traditional saxophone as possible.

Senior Design I Documentation

Senior Design II Documentation

Group 4 Team Members

Manuel Correa

is a graduating Optics and Photonics student who will be tackling his master's degree in Photonic Science at the University of Central Florida, specializing in optical communications and integrated photonics.

Tim Walsh

is an upcoming Electrical Engineering graduate who will continue his studies and pursue a double major in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Andrea Styles

is a graduating Computer Engineering student who plans to pursue graduate studies in Robotics with the goal to work at the Kennedy Space Center.