Smart Outlet

Massive Money Saver
Smart Outlet Icon

We created an outlet that communicates with a smart phone app via wifi to read the power that is drawn from the outlet. The purpose of our smart outlet is to save people money.
It updates the power reading every 10 seconds. At the end of each month, there will be a summary for the user to see how much power the plugged-in device draws.
Another feature our outlet has is being able to be turned off from the smart-phone app or by use of a button that is located on the outlet.



Senior Design 1 Final Documentation

Conference Paper

CDR Slides

Divide and Conquer

Final Presentation Slides

Senior Design 2 Final Documentation

Final Presentation

Final Project Demonstration


Miguel lookin like a scrub

Miguelange Aponte

Electrical Engineer - Lead Testing Engineer

Eric doin him

Eric Baez

Electrical Engineer - Testing and Documentation

Felipe bein Felipe

Felipe Caseiro

Computer Engineer - Documentation

Lucas bein short

Lucas Saber

Computer Engineer - Head App Designer

2022: Aponte, Baez, Caseiro, Saber