Automatic Sandwich Maker

The Automatic Sandwich Maker is a machine that allows a user to create a sandwich hands-free! The idea of this project came from a group brain storming session, and we all agreed it was a very unique idea. It utilizes a unique bread dispenser and syinges filled with ingredients that dispense at the appropriate times. This process all occurs on a conveyor belt and the process can even occur wirlessly using an Android phone application!

Senior Design I Documentation

Senior Design II Documentation

Group 21 Team Members

Camilo Andres Garcia Trujillo

Camilo is a 22-year old graduating Electrical Engineering student. His goals are to work for a large company as an Electrical engineer such as Texas instruments, Intel or Samsung.

Joel Cruz

Joel is a 24-year old graduating Computer Engineering student. His goals are to work as a software engineer for a startup company then pursue his master's degree and eventually become a senior software engineer.

Freddie Fraticelli

Freddie is a 22-year old graduation Computer Engineering student. Freddie's career goals involve working in a large corporation doing either Data Science or Full Stack development.

Brett Chappelear

Brett is a 25-year-old graduating Computer Engineering student. His goals are to work for a big company like Lockheed Martin doing software development initially and then becoming a senior engineer.