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The AVR is a light weight, quick and efficient rover equipped with obstacle avoidance, and image processing capabilities to track a given target. The base of the AVR came from the body of a dissected remote control car which we purchased off the internet.  The CMUcam2+ vision sensor is mounted on two servos and connected to our custom designed printed circuit board, which also interfaces with the power supply and drive train system. The AVR is able to follow and track an object based upon the CMUcam2+ image processing abilities. It keeps a programmable distance of 10 inches from the object it is tailing and will also detects when the object turns or stops; it then adjusts accordingly to each action. Therefore, the AVR never actually comes in contact with the object it is tracking.The optimum operating environment for the AVR is a dry, well lit area indoors or outdoors. The design of the AVR is very flexible allowing for future upgrades such as solar power, GPS navigation, and Wi-Fi capabilities.

Our basic design for the AVR is a simple yet proficient mobile robot which uses image processing to see and track objects. Our inspiration for the AVR is to create a device that can help even out the battle field on the war front and keep soldiers safe. Recently the war front has changed dramatically from a normal theater such as a rural country side to urban environments including cluttered cities and remote villages where the chances of collateral damage are immense. The AVR could be deployed to investigate and eradicate suspicious packages such as IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices) without endangering the lives of soldiers.

ucfBio Group 2: Diante Reid -- Sean Day -- Liem Huynh