Project Description

The Smart Mail Automated Center (S.M.A.C) makes use of modern technology to solve a modern issue. The project includes a system for accepting deliveries in a secure box at a residence without the requirement of physically being there. The device is primarily made up of a lockbox with multiple unlocking options, and a mobile application. In today's world, ordering packages and food from the internet is a way of life. As convenient as it is, online delivery has a downside. It is not all that uncommon to find out that the package has gone missing before the homeowner has been able to retrieve it. Here in America, it turns out, 36% of people have experienced package theft. 45% of these people have experienced theft more than once [1]. There is no question that online delivery has made our life easier, but our goal with S.M.A.C is preventing package thieves from taking delivery off the front porch. S.M.A.C. is going to revolutionize package delivery systems. It will be easy to install, use, and accommodate in the home.


Listed below are the main documentations we used to contruct our Senior Design Project

10 page Divide and Conquer Document

Project narrative description with a statement of motivation for the project, a discussion of the project goals and objectives, and a discussion of the function of the project.

SD1 Final Report

Our first final report that encompasses our design choices, ideas, and design schematics on how we will contruct our S.M.A.C System.

8 Page Conference Paper Document

An 8 page conference paper used to give an insight on our project, for our engaging reviewer committee.

SD2 Final Report

Our last final report that encompasses our design choices, ideas, and design schematics on how we will contruct our S.M.A.C System.

CDR Presentation Slide

A presenation slide used to illustrate our progress and our engineering reguirements we will be showcasing.

Final Presentation Slide

Our final presenation slide used to illustrate our progress and our engineering reguirements we will be showcasing.

Video Recordings

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Senior Design Final Presentation

Within this video, we showcase a PowerPoint slide presentation.

In this PowerPoint showcase, we were able to discuss our different features.

Shane Bramble-Wade in ECE Department
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Senior Design Full Demonstration

Within this video, we showcase a full demo of our S.M.A.C System.

In this video showcase, we demonstrated S.M.A.C's functionality as a group.

Tyler Rothenberg in ECE Department
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Senior Design Showcase

Within this video, we present our ECE showcase.

In our showcase we discuss our motivations and goals.

Meet the Team

Shane Bramble-Wade
PCB-Lock-Barcode Scanner
Tyler Rothenberg
MCU-Camera-Fingerprint Sensor
Tyler Guerrero
Mobile Application-RFID Sensor
Andre Villaran
Power Systems-UV Light-Wi-Fi Module

The relentless pursuit of perfection!

Senior Design Group 9 @ ECE