Diode-Pumped Visible Pr:YLF Laser​

A 638 nm Pr:YLF Red Laser

UCF Engineering 2021

Senior Design 2: Group 4

About This Project

This project is an attempt to produce a commercially viable and user-friendly solid-state red laser that utilizes a Pr:YLF crystal as the gain medium. Through this method, we can reduce the production cost and maintenance requirements and when integrated with a user-friendly interface and robust monitoring/peltier control unit so the crystal temperature and cooling efficiency can be monitored by a user for research applications. This is hub for finding an in depth overview of the design and implementation of this system. This includes a deep dive into the design, simulation, and testing of components and the ultimate integration of these components into the final design. This document serves as a system design and operation overview rather than a walkthrough of the entire engineering process

Engineers: Joshua Carter, Airam Matos, Leidy Moreno, Patrick Swafford

Sponsored by: PPL Group at CREOL UCF

If looks could kill

A Sleek Design with a custom fabricated laser nozzle featuring a filter for optimum 638nm output

Full Integration

A fully integrated monitoring system allows the user to view the beam stability through the efficiency of cooling. Active diagnostics keeps an operator informed of the lasers performance.

Custom Peltier Temperature Control

The Pr:YLF crystal is housed and monitored through a high precision cooling system.

Android App

An app the user can download on their phone, gives pertinent feedback on the condition of the crystal and thus the laser system.


Contact the PPL group at CREOL UCF

Room 285


Contact the Group 4 Senior Design leader at CREOL UCF

Room 157


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Enjoy our Project presentation