ConcenTraining System

Senior Design


Technological advancements have made life better in many ways, but have also become a distraction. The objective of The Concen-Training System is to improve user focus while working at the computer. Positive reinforcement in the form of a smartphone lockbox is used to encourage good study habits with a rewards system. A series of LEDs notify the user when a break is issued. Negative reinforcement in the form of a gentle seat vibration notification deters poor habits from developing and reminds the user to return their focus. An eye-tracking camera monitors the user's gaze, registering when the user maintains focus on their screen, as well as keeping track of when the user’s focus diverges. Weight sensors placed within the smartphone lockbox and vibration chair module act as gates for the eye-tracking software to begin monitoring. All elements working in unison aid in the development of concentration.


About the Project:

Project Demo:



These are our Final Presentation Slides.

These are our CDR Slides.

This is our Divide & Conquer Document.

This is our Conference Paper.

This is our Senior Design 1 Final Document.

This is our Senior Design 2 Final Document.

This is our GUI Code.

This is a zipped file of our Eye Tracker Code.


The following 4 students are our entire team. This project had no sponsor but we would like to thank Dr. Richie and Professor Abichar for their help and support throughout this project.

The minds behind the design:


Daniel Cella

Electrical Engineer

Daniel plans to graduate with his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering in December 2021. After graduation, he will be moving to Arizona to work for Medtronic, a medical device company, in their microelectronics product development department.


Yusuf Kajee

Computer Engineer

Yusuf plans to graduate with his Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering in December 2021. He will be moving to San Antonio, Texas to pursue Software Development and Consulting with EY in 2022.


Zoe Batz

Electrical Engineer

Zoe plans to graduate with her Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering in December of 2021. She plans on pursuing a Master’s degree in Computer Engineering in 2022.


Mitchell Brown

Electrical Engineer

Mitch plans to graduate with his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering in December 2021. He will be working for SGM Engineering, Inc. starting in January 2022.

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