VR Feedback Glove

Group 18
Andrew Turpin

Brandon Jones

Christopher Schiavino

Connor McMullen

Project Description

As virtual reality is becoming more advanced our group works to push further into that area by designing a more efficient haptic feedback glove that can allow any user to interact with virtual objects as easily as slipping on a normal glove, anyone will be able to pick up, throw, grab, etc. anything they touch in virtual reality with associated feedback. One of the major goals of our project is to reduce the overall cost of previous typical designs of the haptic feedback glove while simultaneously slimming down the clunky designs of gloves and allowing for a better more ergonomic haptic feedback glove. This design will primarily use potentiometers as sensors to record the inputted user data on the glove while then using servo motors to provide the associated feedback dependent on this users input. Most of the applications of this product are in regards to the gaming sector, which is currently seeing a surge in virtual reality tech development, while developments in virtual reality technology is also useful in the medical sector for physical therapy.


Andrew Turpin


Brandon Jones


Christopher Schiavino


Connor McMullen