
Harris Engineering Center (HEC), RM 302
University of Central Florida
4000 Central Florida Blvd.
Orlando, Florida 32816

Lab Director

  • Dr. Wei Sun
  • Dr. Zhihua Qu (Emeritus)
Siemens Lab


New features of Siemens commercial software (MGMS, ADMS, SINCAL, etc.) are beta-tested in the lab. The packages are also used to conduct research in optimal operation of transmission and distribution systems with high penetration of renewable energies, stochastic modeling of power systems, protection of PV farms, real-time monitoring of transmission and distribution systems, distribution system automation, and power system restoration and resilience analysis. Research outcomes are then incorporated to enhance functionalities of these packages. The lab is also used for both class instructions and training activities.
Siemens Lab

Laboratory Facility

The Siemens Digital Grid Lab is equipped with utility-grade software and hardware, such as Spectrum Power Microgrid Management System (MGMS), Spectrum Power Advanced Distribution Management System (ADMS), Power System Simulator for Engineering (PSS/E) and PSS/SINCAL, and Siemens Distribution Feeder Automation (SDFA). The lab has 17 DELL computers and stations, two large displays, 2 large and 1 mobile white boards, presentation table and discussion area, and data links to UCF campus microgrid.
Siemens Lab