Congratulations to Professor Alireza Seyedi
September 26, 2014
Prof. Alireza Seyedi has been selected as one of seventy-seven of the nation’s most innovative, young engineering educators to take part in the National Academy of Engineering’s sixth Frontiers of Engineering Education (FOEE) symposium. FOEE, to be held at the National Academies’ Beckman Center in Irvine, CA this October, will bring together some of the most engaged engineering educators in order to recognize, reward, and promote effective, substantive, and inspirational engineering education through a sustained dialogue within the emerging generation of innovative faculty. During the 2 and 1/2 day conference, they will share ideas, learn from research and best practice in education, and leave with a charter to bring about improvement in their home institution. “The Frontiers of Engineering Education program brings together top university faculty to explore preparing engineers for the world’s great engineering challenges,” said NAE President Dan Mote. “It is a no-holds-barred look at the front-edge of engineering education.”