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ECE faculty and students pursue fundamental and applied research in a wide spectrum of subjects.

  • data-intensive high performance computing
  • massive storage and file systems
  • computer architecture and evolvable hardware
  • secure processor and ASIC design
  • programmable digital fabric and mobile computing
  • networked dynamical systems and cooperative control
  • optimization and dynamic games
  • autonomous vehicles
  • medical and assistive robotics
  • biomedical devices and control
  • energy systems with distributed renewables
  • electric machines
  • power systems protection and control
  • smart grid
  • digital signal processing
  • detection and estimation
  • communication theory
  • cognitive radios and networks
  • wireless ad-hoc and sensor networks
  • remote sensing
  • satellite communications
  • microwave sensors, antennas, phased arrays and integrated RF
  • micro- and nano-electronics
  • solid state device modeling
  • ESD protection
  • acoustic wave and MEMS devices
  • power electronics
  • thin film micromachining

Their transformational research supports sustainable economic growth, national security, and improved quality of life.


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