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Dr. Xiaolin Lu, TI Fellow

Director of Kilby Innovation Center, Texas Instruments

Friday, November 8, 2019
11:00AM – HEC 101


With the growing power of cloud computing, machine learning, data analytics, etc., more and more end devices including sensors, actuators, light bulbs, alarms, motors, and others that we would never imagined to connect to internet before are getting all connected to the cloud through gateway or direct connection. For data analysts, these end devices are data source or control points. They are providing tremendous amount of data, in-real-time, to the biggest processing engine in the world today. This trend is enabling vast majority of innovative applications in the area of needing connected sensors by utilizing smart sensing, automatic connectivity, secured FW upgrade & booting, smart power management, smart analog sampling and signal conditioning, etc. At the same time, these data points are also making the “internet” more exposed to the potential security threats and increase the vulnerability  for both cyber and physical worlds. To make these end points secure there are many opportunities in the semiconductor domain especially at the “last mile” of IOT.  We will introduce a highly integrated wireless smart sensor node platform and its applications from security perspective.  Key features related with end point security and opportunities for further research will be covered through specific use cases. Considering that little has been done in understanding the security threats and developing solutions on the mixed-signal/analog/RF side, we hope the IoT community will start to involve more security innovations in these area.


Xiaolin is Fellow and director of Texas Instruments (TI) Kilby Innovation Center responsible for driving research activities on connected sensors for intelligent industrial internet applications. She is chartered to drive various differentiated industrial-and energy-related connected system level solutions using TI differentiated embedded processors, analog and power management devices.

Xiaolin has worked on various embedded system and software programs, including Industrial Internet Sensor Network Research Platform, Narrow Band Power Line Communication Systems, Narrow Band and Broadband Wireless and Wired Communication Technologies, Wireless/Wired Hybrid Sensor Networks, Smart Power IPs, LTE/Wimax Prototypes, Wi-Fi/Bluetooth co-existence and digital mobile TV SoC, and so forth.

Xiaolin is well-known as an embedded system and software expert inside and outside TI and has given keynote and plenary talks at numerous technical conferences.  In addition, she is the author/co-author of more than 60 U.S. issued patents and the recipient of the special recognition awards: 2016 Asian American Engineer of the Year, Society of Women Engineers (SWE) and National Women of Color award in the Technical Innovation – Industry category.
Xiaolin is the first Tier to co-chair the Industrial Advisory Board at the University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) Engineering School.  In her free tiXiaolin enjoys yoga practice, piano classes with children, classical music and leisure travel.