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Research Interests

  • Virtual Environments
    • Affective and Human-Centered Computing
    • Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality
    • Virtual Learning Environments

Other Experience

  • Professor, Computer Science, Univ. of Tenn., 1974-80
  • Assistant Professor, Comp. Sci., Penn State, 1972-74
  • NRC Postdoctoral Research Associate, 1971-72

Professional Activities

  • Entertainment Computing, Associate Editor, 2011-
  • Journal of Cybertherapy and Rehab Scientific Board, 2009-
  • IEEE VR Best Paper & Demo Selection Comm. Member, 2016
  • IEEE VR Program Committee, 2012-15, 2017-
  • IEEE VR, co-chair, Research Demos, 2013
  • HCII Program Committee, 2008-15
  • ISMAR 2009 Tutorial Chair; Program Committee, 2009-13.
  • Reviewer for NSF, and various journals and conferences

Honors & Awards

  • Pegasus Professor, UCF 2007
  • US Patent No. 9,690,784 B1. Awarded June 27, 2017.
  • US Patent No. 9,381,426 B1. Awarded July 5, 2016
  • US Patent No. 8,477,149 B1. Awarded July 2, 2013
  • SIGGRAPH Pioneer
  • ACM SUI Best Paper Award, 2018
  • IEEE SeGAH Best Paper Award, 2016
  • ICMI Grand Challenge People’s Choice Award, 2015
  • Best Publication Award from the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children, 2015
  • Dean’s Research Professorship Award, 2013
  • Excellence in Research, CECS 2014
  • UCF Research Incentive Award, 2013, 2007, 1995
  • Undergraduate Teacher of the Year, UCF 2001
  • Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching, UCF 2001, 1992
  • Teaching Incentive Award, UCF 2015, 2009, 2002, 1995
  • Senior Life Member, IEEE, & Senior Member, ACM