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Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1990


Dr. Issa Batarseh is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Central Florida (UCF). He received the Ph.D., and M.S. in Electrical Engineering and the B.S. in Computer Engineering and Science from the University of Illinois at Chicago in 1983, ’85 and ’90, respectively. Dr. Batarseh was a visiting Assistant Professor at Purdue University, Calumet, from 1989 to 1990 before joining UCF in 1991.

Dr. Batarseh’s power electronics research focuses on the development of advanced systems for solar energy conversion to improve cost, power density, efficiency and performance. The research includes the analysis and design of high frequency dc-ac inverters, resonant converter topologies; low-voltage dc-dc converters, small signal modeling and control of PWM and resonant converters; power factor correction techniques. He is an inventor on 36 patents and author of more than 300 articles and 2 books, with approximately 7,000 citations to his published work. Dr. Batarseh has significant commercialization experience as a founder of two start-up companies involved solar energy conversion: Advanced Power Electronics Corp. (APECOR) and Petra Systems. He is also a fellow member in National Academy of Inventors (NAI), AAAS, IEEE, and IEE. He served as an Associate Editor for several IEEE Transactions and chaired and co-chaired several international conferences. Dr. Batarseh supervised 34 Ph.D. Dissertations, 43 MS Theses, and 15 Undergraduate Honor Theses.

Research Areas

Power Electronics
Solar Energy Conversion
Grid-tied Inverters
Solar Energy

Other Experience

Director, Florida Power Electronics Center (UCF), 1989 – Present.
President of Princess Sumaya University for Technology, 2010-2014.
Director of School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2003-2010.
Served as Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, 1998-2003.
Visiting Assistant, Purdue University, Calumet, 1990.

Activities and Awards

Fellow of IEEE
Served as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transaction on Aerospace and Electronic Systems and Transaction on Circuits and Systems
Served as the reviewer for the National Science
Foundation and several IEEE Transaction Journals
Served on the program committees of IEEE APEC, PESC, IECON, IAS and ISCAS
Registered Professional Engineer in Florida

Research Interests

  • Micro-Systems and Nano-Systems (MNS)
  • Power Electronics
  • Solar Energy Conversion Circuits and Systems
  • DC-to-DC Conversion
  • Dynamic and Control of Power Converters
  • Power Factor Correction