Research Interests
- Optimization and Control
- Signal Processing
- Knowledge-Based Signal Processing and Control
Ongoing Research Projects
- Self-organizing Control and Scalable Game-theoretical Dispatch of Distributed Generations for High-Penetration Smart Grids (NSF)
- FEEDER Center (DoE)
- The 21st Century World Class Scholars Program – Simaan Endowed Chair (Florida Board of Governors)
Professional Activities
- Member, IEEE Access Editorial Board
- Member, IEEE Systems Journal Editorial Advisory Board
- Member, AAAS Engineering Section Steering Committee
- Member, AAAS Committee on Fellows
- Member, Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering Editorial Advisory Board
Honors & Awards
- Member, National Academy of Engineering
- Life Fellow, IEEE
- Fellow, NAI
- Fellow, ASEE
- Fellow, AAAS
- Fellow, AIMBE
- Fellow, Electromagnetics Academy
- Distinguished ECE Alumnus Award, Univ. of Illinois
- Distinguished Service in Engineering Award, Univ. of Illinois
- IEEE William E. Sayle Award for Achievement in Education