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Research Interests

  • Machine Learning
  • Neural Networks
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Applications of Machine Learning

Ongoing Research Projects

  • Collaborative Research: RET in Engineering and Computer Science Site: Research Experiences for Teachers focused on Applications of ImagEs and SiGnals In High Schools (NSF)
  • UCF COMPASS: Convincing Outstanding-Math-Potential Admits to Succeed in STEM (NSF)
  • CAMP-YES (Career Advancement Young Entrepreneur and Scholar (YES) Scholarship Program (NSF)
  • Flit-Path, Collaborative Research: Florida-IT Pathways to Success (NSF)

Professional Activities

  • Senior Member IEEE

Honors & Awards

  • UCF Undergraduate Student Mentor of the Year Award (2009- 2010)
  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Award (2009-2010)
  • UCF Pegasus Award (2010)
  • College of Engineering TIP (Teaching Incentive Productivity) Award (1995, 2000, 2005)
  • RIA, Research Incentive Award (2005)
  • UConn Academy of Engineering (2014)