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Research Interests

  • High-complexity millimeter-wave and Terahertz (THz) signal generation and detection circuits
  • Ultrahigh-speed silicon-based transceivers
  • Large-scale high-efficiency/sensitivity CMOS beamforming arrays
  • Chip-scale sensing and spectroscopy
  • Hybrid electronic-photonic systems and quasi-optics

Ongoing Research Projects

  • Ultrabroadband silicon-based THz radiators and detectors with programmable spectrum
  • Near-field sensors for super-resolution microfluidic imaging and biomolecular assay
  • Novel quasi-optical solutions for high-sensitivity far-field spectroscopy


Professional Activities

  • Technical reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Journal of Solid-state Circuits, Transactions on Antennas and Propagation; IEEE Sensors Journal, Nature Communications, Nature Scientific Reports


Honors & Awards

  • IEEE SSCS Predoctoral Achievement Award and MTT-S Graduate Fellowship (2017 and 2018)
  • Best paper award (2nd place) in IEEE Antennas and Propagation International Symposium (2016)
  • Best paper award (1st place) in IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium (2016)
  • Best paper award (1st place) in IEEE International Microwave Symposium (2014)