Research Interests
- Antenna Miniaturization
- Antennas for Biomedical Applications
Professional Activities
- General Chair, IEEE APS/USNC-URSI International Symposium, 2013
- IEEE WIE Committee Member, 2012-2014
- Associate Editor, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 2001
- Reviewer, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
- Reviewer IEEE Antennas and Wave Propagation Letters
- IEEE Orlando Section, Chair WIE Committee, 2012
Honors and Awards
- Provost Faculty Fellow, 2013
- Women of Distinction: Excellence in Mentoring Award, UCF Center for Success of Women Faculty, 2012
- Provost Teaching Faculty Fellow, 2011
- Teaching Incentive Program (TIP), College of Engineering and Computer Science
- Excellence in Teaching Award, 2010
- Excellence in Professional Service Award, College of Engineering and Computer Science, 2010