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Research Interests

  • Convex/global Optimization
  • Nonlinear Systems
  • Power and Energy Systems
    • Demand Side Management
    • Networked Microgrids
    • Distributed Energy Storage
    • Grid Integration of Renewable Energy
    • Distribution System Optimization
  • Energy-Water-Food Nexus

Ongoing Research Projects

  • Stability, security and emergency control for reconfigurable networked microgrids, U.S. National Science Foundation, Principal Investigator
  • Coordination of Transmission, Distribution and Communication Systems for Prompt Power, U.S. Department of Energy, Principal Investigator
  • Intelligent Water-Energy Micro Nexus MIT/MI Cooperative Program, Co-Principal

Professional Activities

  • Editor for CSEE Journal on Power and Energy Systems
  • Chair of penal session in INFORMS Annual Meeting 2019 for Recent Development in Optimization of Grid-connected Battery Energy Storage Systems
  • Member IEEE Battery Energy Storage Work Group
  • Professional referee for a number of top-tier journals to include
    • IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Smart Grid, Sustainable
    • Energy, Control of Network Systems, Industrial Informatics,
    • IEEE Power and Energy Letters, and IEEE Control System Letters

Honors & Awards

  • China National Scholarship 2012