Research Interests
- Satellite Microwave Remote Sensing for Ocean, Atmosphere and Global Climate Change
- Microwave remote sensor technology development
- Active (radar) and passive (radiometry) microwave sensor concepts
- Microwave scatterometry, polarimetric radiometry, and synthetic thinned array radiometry
- On-orbit Inter-satellite instrument radiometric calibration
- Geophysical retrieval algorithm development: ocean vector winds and precipitation in tropical cyclones
- Microwave radioactive transfer model development
- Airborne & satellite microwave remote sensor computer simulation
Ongoing Research Projects
- GOLD SALMON project (NASA Headquarters)
- Improved Active/Passive Ocean Vector Wind Retrievals (NASA Headquarters)
- Improved Aquarius Salinity Retrievals using Auxillary Products from the Microwave Radiometer (NASA Headquarters)
- Improved Ocean Vector Retrievals in Extreme Wind Events (Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
- Inter-Satellite Radiometric Calibration for the GPM Constellation (NASA Headquarters)
- Observations of Ocean Surface Wind Speed and Rain Rate with the Hurricane Imaging Radiometer (NASA Marshall Space Flight Center)
- Volcanic Eruption Forecasting Algorithm (Florida Space Grant Consortium)
Professional Activities
- Life Fellow, IEEE
- Geoscience and Remote Sensing Soc, Ocean Engineering Soc, Antennas and Propagation
- Member American Geophysical Union (AGU)
- Member – Union of Radio Scientists International (URSI), Commission-F
Honors & Awards
- 2016 IEEE JSTARS Best Reviewer Award
- NASA Research: 2015 PMM Science Team Award
- Alan Berman Research Pubs Award, US Naval Research Lab, 2004
- Group Achievement Award, NASA Headquarters, 2015, 2003, 01, 98, 97, 81