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Research Interests

  • Modeling and analysis of real-time systems
  • Machine learning theory and neural networks
  • Secured and energy-aware cyber-physical systems

Ongoing Research Projects

  • CRII: NeuroMC – Parallel Online Scheduling of Mixed- Criticality Real-Time Systems via Neural Networks (NSF)
  • RAISE:CA-FW-HTF: Prepare the US Labor Force for Future Jobs in the Hotel and Restaurant Industry: A Hybrid Framework and Multi-Stakeholder Approach (NSF)
  • CPS: Collaborative Research: Trusted CPS from Untrusted Components (NSF)
  • Development of Rehabilitation Integrated Real-Time Control Ankle Foot Orthosis Algorithm (Korean )
  • F1/10 Autonomous Racing Robots (NSF-REU & Internally Funded)
  • PPoSS: Data Centric Computing for Scalable Heterogeneous Memory and Storage Systems Architecture (NSF)

Professional Activities

  • Senior Member of IEEE and Member of ACM
  • NSF review panelist
  • TPC chair of Workshop on Mixed Criticality (2019)
  • TPC member of numerous IEEE/ACM conferences including: RTSS, AAAI,EMSOFT, RTAS,
  • Reviewer of numerous journals including: TNNLS, TVT, TCAD, TETCI, TC, TPDS, TIFS, TKDE, TECS, JSA, IPL, JoSH,

Honors & Awards

  • RTSS Best Student Paper Award (2019)
  • RTSS Outstanding Paper Award (2019)
  • Outstanding Teaching Award, CS Department, UNC-Chapel Hill (2015)