Qorvo PhD Fellowship
January 29, 2018
The department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) is accepting applications for Qorvo PhD Fellowship. The fellowship is awarded to the top PhD applicant who will start in the Fall of 2018 and includes a yearly stipend of $20K. The awardee will also receive a full tuition waiver from the UCF graduate office. All PhD applicants interested in pursuing their PhD degree on topics directly related to the fields of Acoustics and RF Engineering are encouraged to apply for this fellowship. Before submitting their application material the applicants should have completed their application for admission to the ECE PhD program and also have identified a UCF faculty member who is interested in serving as their PhD advisor and will specify their future research topic. The application material should include:
- A letter of intent in which the application ID generated by the UCF admission office is included and also the future PhD advisor who has been consulted is specified.
- A copy of the applicant’s CV
- The soft copy of any significant publication that is cited in the CV
The application material should be emailed to Dr. Kalapthy Sundaram (sundaram@ece.ucf.edu) by April 1st after which a selection committee will meet to rank the candidates. The applicants will be notified of the decision made by the committee by April 15th. Please forward any questions you may have about this fellowship to Dr. Reza Abdolvand (reza@ece.ucf.edu)