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2013 CSAW ESC Finalists

November 27, 2013
Team UCF Knights, comprised of ECE Undergraduate students Dean Sullivan, Brandon Frazer, Jeff Biggers, Ryan Dixon, Henry Chan, and Victor Medina, received second place at the 2013 Cyber Security Awareness Week (CSAW) Embedded Systems Challenge held from Nov. 14-16th in Brooklyn, New York at The Polytechnic Institute of New York University (NYU-Poly).

Advancing U.S. Renewable Energy And Electric Grid

November 13, 2013
UCF has been awarded $3.2 million to lead one of four national consortia to develop distributed technologies, to increase engineering capacity, and to prepare for a national shift from traditional sources of electricity to renewables such as solar and wind. Read the whole story on UCF Today.

In Recognition of Professor Juin J. Liou

September 23, 2013
In recognition of his scholarly research and significant contributions to the Department and College of Engineering and Computer Science, Prof. Juin J. Lious is today named the Lockheed Martin St. Laurent Professor. This professorship is one of the four endowed professorships in the College of Engineering and Computer Science at UCF.

IEEE 56th International Midwest Symposium

September 23, 2013
At the IEEE 56th International Midwest Symposium on Circuit and Systems (MWSCAS) held at Columbus Ohio in August 2013, Prof. Wasfy Mikhael received an award that recognizes his sustained contributions to the success of MWSCAS.

UCF Student Crafts Record-Setting Antenna

August 5, 2013
Haitao Cheng, a Ph.D. student working with Professor Xun Gong, is part of a UCF engineering team that has developed an antenna capable of surviving a record temperature of 1,300 degrees Celsius, a potential boon to manufacturers of high-performance turbine engines. Read the UCFTODAY article by clicking here.

Congratulations to Dr. Sundaram

May 23, 2013
Congratulations to Prof. Kalpathy Sundaram for being elected as a Fellow of The Electrochemical Society (ECS). His citation will be announced at the Plenary Session of The Electrochemical Society’s 224th Meeting in San Francisco, California, USA, on October 28, 2013.

2014 USNWR Rankings

March 14, 2013
In the 2014 US News & World Report rankings, UCF’s Electrical Engineering program was ranked 55 out of 134 ranked programs, and UCF’s Computer Engineering program was ranked 58 out of 94 ranked programs.