UCF wins DOE’s 2018 Cyberforce Competition
December 4, 2018
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced the University of Central Florida’s Cyber Defense Team as the national winner of DOE’s 2018 CyberForce CompetitionTM. Sponsored by DOE’s Office of Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response (CESER), the CyberForce Competition is DOE’s fourth cyber defense competition designed to develop the next generation of cybersecurity professionals to help defend and bolster our nation’s critical energy infrastructure and ensure our energy security. This year’s competition featured 66 teams chosen to participate from a pool of 97 schools who submitted bids to compete this year. More details are available at https://www.energy.gov/articles/university-central-florida-wins-doe-s-2018-cyberforce-competition.