Course Requirements
ECE Undergraduate Degree Programs, Courses and Curriculum
For complete information on the ECE degree programs offered and the requirements for each, see the UCF Undergraduate Catalog.
The Computer Engineering Comprehensive Track covers fundamental computer engineering concepts. The student is exposed to key areas in the discipline, including embedded processing, operating systems, object oriented programming, computer networks, FPGA Design, computer organization and architecture etc. The technical electives can be selected to provide more depth in one or more areas of computer engineering. Graduates find employment in companies such as Lockheed-Martin, Siemens, Microsoft, Google, Intel, Apple, TI, as well as many other regional, national, or international companies. Also, opportunities exist for employment in State and Federal Government agencies.
Students interested in VLSI systems and digital design can pursue the Digital VLSI Circuits Track. Students can select from a wide range of technical elective courses such as embedded systems and hardware-software co-design, microarchitecture and memory design for performance, VLSI testing and fault tolerant computing, design of ultra-low power circuits and systems and the mechanisms for computing systems, and data acquisition. Students will graduate with more depth of knowledge in the area of VLSI systems and digital circuit design. After graduation, they can decide to pursue a graduate degree or can find employment in companies such as Lockheed-Martin, Intel, TI, Apple, as well as many other regional, national, or international companies. Also, opportunities exist for employment in State and Federal Government agencies.
Basics of Programmable Logic: History of Digital Logic Design (Youtube Video)
The Future of Classical Computing (Youtube Video)
The ECE Undergraduate Office (HEC 246) will always have the most current information.
Special Departmental Requirements
Departmental Residency Requirement: At least 32 hours of electrical engineering coursework must be completed in the ECE Department at UCF.
CpE Transfer of Credit: Courses with a common course number taken at any Florida State University System (SUS) institution or Florida community college are automatically transferable. Students with a Bachelor of Science from an accredited institution or an Associate of Arts degree from a Florida SUS institution or Florida community college automatically satisfy the GEP. Substitutions for GEP must be approved through Academic Services, Millican Hall (MH) 210.
Substitutions for electrical engineering requirements are on a course-by-course basis and MUST be approved by the CpE Undergraduate Coordinator. Instructions for this process are in the ECE undergraduate suite in Harris Corporation Engineering Center (HEC 246). The decision is typically based on the degree of similarity of the two courses both in content and level of presentation. Regardless of transfer credit, the University and Division residency requirements must be satisfied.