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Kenle Chen

September 2, 2019
  Kenle Chen Assistant Professor Ph.D., Electrical Engineering Purdue University, 2013 Email Phone Office HEC-353 Phone (407) 823-0063 E-mail Home Page Research Interests Radio-frequency and millimeter-Wave integrated circuits Energy-efficient, high-speed, wideband, and high-efficiency radio solutions 5G-and-beyond wireless communication systems Reconfigurable high-frequency circuits Interdisciplinary applications of radio technology Ongoing Research Projects Linear, efficient, and…

W. Linwood Jones

September 1, 2019
  W. Linwood Jones Professor Ph.D., Electrical Engineering VA Polytechnic Institute & State University, 1971 Email Phone Office HEC-352 Phone (407) 823-6603 E-mail Research Page ARGIS Research Research Interests Satellite Microwave Remote Sensing for Ocean, Atmosphere and Global Climate Change Microwave remote sensor technology development Active (radar) and passive (radiometry) microwave sensor concepts Microwave…

Xun Gong

September 1, 2019
    Xun Gong Professor Ph.D., Electrical Engineering University of Michigan, 2005 Email Phone Office HEC-426 Phone (407) 823-5762 E-mail Home Page Research Page ARGIS Research Research Interests Microwave Filters and Passive Components Wireless passive sensors for harsh environment applications Antennas, phased arrays, and reflectarrays Flexible electronics Micromachining Advanced packaging Ceramic materials, polymer…