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Cyber-Physical Systems

  • Cooperative Control, Optimization and Games
  • Autonomous Robotic Vehicles, Medical and Assistive Robotics
  • Smart Grids, Distributed Generation and Optimization, Protection and Control
  • Biomedical Devices and Control
  • Digital Signal Processing, Detection and Estimation
  • Communication Theory, Cognitive Radios and Networks, Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks
  • Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Networks, Distributed Decision


The faculty in the UCF Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering deliver a research-based education to our students and continue their research endeavors that generate new knowledge and support technology advances as well as economic growth. ECE research is categorized into the following four focus groups.


Computer Systems and Architecture
Computer Systems and Architecture
Cyber-Physical Systems
Cyber-Physical Systems
Micro and Nano Systems
Micro and Nano Systems
Electromagnetics and Sensing