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Communications Laboratory

Engineering 1, Room 461

Courses offered in the Communications Laboratory provide students with a solid understanding for analysis of signals in time domain and frequency domain. Students learn to simulate and design many types of communication circuits, and then assemble, measure, and evaluate the circuits using laboratory instruments. Students develop competency in measurement science by utilizing modern advanced instruments, which are similar to instruments presently being used by engineers in industry.
Communications Lab

Courses Supported

  • EEL 3552C – Signal Analysis and Analog Communication
  • EEL 4140C – Analog Filter Design
  • EEL 4515C – Fundamentals of Digital Communication


Communications Lab Equipment

24 Stations:

  • Rohde & Schwarz RTM3004 Oscilloscope
  • Tektronix AFG 3022B Dual Channel Arbitrary Function Generator
  • Rohde & Schwarz FPC1000 Spectrum Analyzer
  • Tektronix DMM 4050 Digital Multimeter
  • Agilent E3630A Triple-Output DC Power Supply
  • Global PB-60 Breadboard
  • Dell Precision 3420 Computer

Additional instruments and modules are used for certain lab experiments.


Lab Manager Contact Information

Please feel free to contact us if you have questions, comments or suggestions regarding our academic laboratories, or just want to talk about something. We’re always happy to hear from you!


David R. Douglas, P.E.,, ENG-465
Avra Kundu,, ENG-122