Senior Design Laboratory
Engineering 1, Room 456
This laboratory facility provides a workshop space with instrumentation, equipment, and software for Senior Design students to design and build their Senior Design project. Senior Design I and Senior Design II students have personal access using the electronic door lock. Lockers are available for storage of student projects, materials, and equipment.

Courses Supported
- EEL 4914 – Senior Design I
- EEL 4915L – Senior Design II
Senior Design Lab Equipment
- Tektronix Oscilloscopes
- Tektronix Dual Arbitrary Function Generators
- Tektronix DMM 4050 Digital Multimeters
- Keithley 2230-30-1 Triple-Channel Power Supplies
- Dell Precision 3420 Computers
- SMD Rework Station
- Soldering and Desoldering Stations
- Digital Microscope Inspection Station
Many additional instruments are also available.

Lab Manager Contact Information
Please feel free to contact us if you have questions, comments or suggestions regarding our academic laboratories, or just want to talk about something. We’re always happy to hear from you!
David R. Douglas, P.E.,, ENG-465
Dr. Avra Kundu,, ENG-118