Digital Grid Laboratory
Harris Engineering Center, Room 302
This facility is an advanced research laboratory that is also utilized as an academic laboratory.
Students perform real-time digital simulation and control prototyping of microgrid systems.
Courses Supported
- EEL 5296 – Advanced Microgrid Design and Operation
Digital Grid Lab Equipment
- Spectrum Power Microgrid Management System (MGMS)
- Spectrum Power Advanced Distribution Management System (ADMS)
- Power System Simulator for Engineering (PSS/E) and PSS/SINCALSpectrum
- Siemens Distribution Feeder Automation (SDFA)
- Data links to UCF campus microgrid
- 17 Dell Computers
Lab Manager Contact Information
Please feel free to contact us if you have questions, comments or suggestions regarding our academic laboratories, or just want to talk about something. We’re always happy to hear from you!
David R. Douglas, P.E.,, ENG-465
Dr. Avra Kundu,, ENG-118